Mais qui est-il, ce Boris qui nous a rendu plus riche? Portrait d'un type énigmatique:

UPDATE: Sublime spectacle que cette gauche qui pleurniche sur son propre sort! Même de l'Amérique, nous entendons le rire sonore de Boris did Vainquish, en écho à ces tristes gémissements crépusculaires -- "be afraid, be very afraid" -- de la Gauche incendiaire.
UPDATE II: Maintenant, sont-ce là des parodies ou de sincères gémissements de la part des Guardianistas?
“Well I’ve already got my bags packed incase the worse happens. I can’t believe we’re at a stage where Johnson actually has a chance to completely shit all over London.Ha! Ha! Ha! Difficile à dire...
“As a black female, I’m basically screwed and luckily I have some savings so if this fool does win, I’m on a jet plane anywhere. Probably to the Congo. I’m sure Boris wouldn’t approve of this. Shows you what a state British Politics is in when a racist, a bigot and a man who clearly has no idea what he’s going to do if he wins can decide what’s best for Londoners.
“Conservatives/BNP, seems these days there’s a thin line and I’m not going to stay around while this line is no more. Everyone wants a perfect London and some how stupid people think that Boris is the man to do it. Wake up! Maybe they should put Cannabis back up to a class B drug because obviously we’ve been smoking too much of it and have all lost are bloody minds!
“With regards to his new buses, does anyone know how much theyre going to cost us taxpayers? No? I’ll tell you something funny…neither does he! A man with no clear or coherent policies. God help us all.”
UPDATE III: Le marché de Betfair, 24 heures après la fermeture des bureaux de scrutin:
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