jeudi 22 mai 2008
samedi 17 mai 2008
Putin: the Face of National-Socialism in Russia
When Putin came to power, the world price of crude oil was $16 dollars a barrel; it has now soared to more than $120 dollars - and no one knows where or when this bonanza will end....... where has all the oil wealth gone? According to an Independent Experts Report, written by two former high-level Kremlin insiders who have had the courage to speak out, "a criminal system of government [has] taken shape under Putin" in which the Kremlin has been selling state assets cheaply to Putin's cronies and buying others assets back from them at an exorbitant price.Among such dubious transactions the authors cite the purchase by the state-owned Gasprom (run until a few months ago by Dmitry Medvedev) of a 75 per cent share in an oil company called Sifnet (owned by Roman Abramovich, the oligarch who owns Chelsea Football Club).In 1995 Abramovich, one of Putin's closest allies, paid a mere $100 million for Sifnet; ten years later, the government shelled out $13.7 billion for it - an astronomical sum and far above the going market rate.
...the Kremlin has created a "friends-of-Putin" oil export monopoly, not to mention a secret "slush fund" to reward the faithful.
According to Transparency International - a global society which campaigns against corruption - Russia has become a world leader in the corruption stakes. Foreign analysts estimate that no less than $30 billion a year is spent to grease official palms to oil the wheels of trade and commerce.
The threat of prosecution for tax fraud is the Kremlin's weapon of choice against anyone who dares to challenge its hegemony.
When Mikhail Khodorkovsky, once the richest man in Russia, used his oil wealth to promote human rights and democracy, Putin detected a threat to his throne.
The oligarch was duly arrested and convicted of fraud. He now languishes in a Siberian jail where he is in the third year of an eight-year prison sentence.
Some 20 Russian journalists have been killed in suspicious circumstances since Putin came to office. No one has yet been convicted for any of these crimes.
The structure of the state - the alliance between the Kremlin, the oligarchs, and the security services - is awesomely powerful.
The new Prime Minister has brilliantly exploited the patriotism and latent xenophobia of the Russia people to unify them in the belief that they face a major threat from NATO and the United States.
This combination of national pride and insecurity has been fuelled by the America with its proposed deployment of missiles only a few hundred kilometres from the Russian border, allegedly to counter a nuclear threat from Iran.
Similarly most Russians feel threatened - and humiliated - by the prospect that Ukraine and Georgia, once the most intimate allies of the Soviet Union, may soon be enfolded in the arms of NATO.
Georgia, which is struggling to contain a separatist movement that is openly supported by the Kremlin, has the potential to become a dangerous flashpoint in which the Western allies could only too easily become ensnared.
The Kremlin's growing rapprochement with Beijing (the adversaries of a generation ago are now not only major trading partners, but conduct joint military exercises) shifts the balance of power in the world.
And as life on earth becomes less and less secure, with evermore people competing for a dwindling supply of vital resources, Russia, as an energy giant, is once again a big player on the world stage.
jeudi 15 mai 2008
A Trading/Betting Strategy
Rule #1
Bet only on Fatality : Such as an Obama Presidency.
But then, always go All-in...
'Cause those certainties are rare,
Actualize the maximum amount of money from them.
Capitalize a max on those super-potentialities -- for they'll happen in the World.
Without Fatum,
Trade, don't bet.
Others rules might come eventually.
Paradigm of this rule:
If Western — North Atlantic — politics can be conceived/perceived as a general field of forces, — a field polarized by both the Right and the Left, — is’nt foreseenable, then, that the US will elect as a matter of fatality Mr Barack Obama — a cool kid on the Left of the spectrum — as Western Europe and the UK are flowing toward the Right of it?
Reaching thus some kind of meta-stability in this political field of forces… some kind of Equilibrium.
mercredi 14 mai 2008
Hillary in West Virginia: +41%!
Comme prévu! (+444$)
Ici, le directeur des Communications de la campagne de Hillary explique que la course... continue:
dimanche 11 mai 2008
samedi 10 mai 2008
By-Election in the UK : Crewe & Nantwich
Another golden opportunity to pick up free money:
You bet!"All the clever money is now on the constituents of the formerly safe Labour seat of Crewe and Nantwich returning a Tory in their by-election on May 22. That would cause a political earthquake so large as to make Labour’s local elections disaster appear like a mild disappointment.Politicians who have already been up to the constituency to campaign report that the 10p tax rebellion is the only show in town. When David Cameron visited earlier this week he found himself beseiged by questions about it." -- Daily Express

See also: Crewe voters set to derail Labour's fightback
jeudi 8 mai 2008
Virginie de l'Ouest: la source vient de s'assécher
Maintenant, le marché n'offre qu'un maigrissime retour de 2% sur la victoire ASSURÉE de Clinton dans l'État de la Virginie de l'Ouest, mardi prochain.

mercredi 7 mai 2008
mardi 6 mai 2008
Tonight is THE night!

- Zomby avantage systématiquement Obama depuis le début des primaires;
- Le nombre d'indécis de ses sondages est très élevé, et ceci porte à croire que ces derniers pencheront davantage vers Clinton que vers Obama:
In Indiana the dots are slightly more dispersed, with Zogby again the showing the best result for Obama, in this case a 2-point Obama advantage (45% to 43%), with 12% categorized as either undecided or "other." In this case, however, two polls have shown roughly as many voters choosing an option other than Obama or Clinton, although both were about a week old: One from TeleResearch (showing Clinton leading by 10 points with 14% undecided/other) and the other from Rasmussen Reports (giving Clinton a 5-point lead with 13% undecided/other).
lundi 5 mai 2008
Indiana et Caroline de Nord, demain : +1000$ de profit?
Ma position sur une victoire d'Obama en Caroline du Nord n'a pas changé depuis:

samedi 3 mai 2008
Investir sur le prochain Président américain: Configurer une stratégie
Et... ceci, ici, sur Clinton:

vendredi 2 mai 2008
Mardi prochain: 5K$ sur Clinton.Indiana à 20%?
Quelles sont les chances que Clinton gagne la primaire de l'Indiana? Et qu'Obama conquiert la Caroline du Nord?
Si cet état de choses peut désactiver le pattern indiqué, une autre variable pourrait cependant jouer contre lui, et favoriser Clinton: la resurgence de l'affaire Wright au coeur de l'arène médiatique:One of Obama's big advantages is that he is from a neighboring state with an overlapping media market - but this did not help Clinton in Connecticut or Romney in New Hampshire. In Clinton's favor is the fact that Evan Bayh has endorsed her, but Ted Kennedy's endorsement did Obama no good in Massachusetts.
“I think Reverend Wright will give a lot of people an excuse not to vote for Obama,” Mr. Crockett said. “They’re looking for an excuse, and this will be it.”“We’re a fairly conservative state,” said Laura L. Green, 50, a social worker and supporter of Mr. Obama. “Look, some people struggle with his name. For someone who is on the fence, this could touch them.”
Several factors suggest that Republican voters may be attracted to the Democratic primary this year, including an open-primary scheme that allows voters of all political stripes to cast ballots, a settled nominating race on the Republican side and a downticket slate that includes few cliffhanger races to interest the Republican faithful. As one Republican Party official put it, "when the circus is in town, people want to go to the circus."
About 20 percent of the 127,000-plus absentee ballots received as of early Friday were cast in three Indiana counties - Marion, Monroe and Lake - that political observers believe Obama is strongly favored to win.Lake County has a large population of black voters and is in Chicago's shadow. Obama has typically won big among college-age voters, and Monroe County is the home of Indiana University in Bloomington. ...... Obama has mounted an innovative campaign that's stressed early voting and his supporters appear more energized than those for Clinton.... Three other Indiana counties - St. Joseph, Vanderburgh and Vigo counties - have amassed more than 20,000 early ballots between them, about 16 percent of the total absentees cast statewide.Vigo County, which includes Terre Haute, is expected to go for Clinton because of its demographics and connections to popular Sen. Evan Bayh, who has campaigned aggressively with the former first lady.

(165.42+209.99 = 375.21 - 5% de frais de commission = 356.45)
Vidéo de Boris, nouveau maire de Londres! (+652$)
Mais qui est-il, ce Boris qui nous a rendu plus riche? Portrait d'un type énigmatique:

“Well I’ve already got my bags packed incase the worse happens. I can’t believe we’re at a stage where Johnson actually has a chance to completely shit all over London.Ha! Ha! Ha! Difficile à dire...
“As a black female, I’m basically screwed and luckily I have some savings so if this fool does win, I’m on a jet plane anywhere. Probably to the Congo. I’m sure Boris wouldn’t approve of this. Shows you what a state British Politics is in when a racist, a bigot and a man who clearly has no idea what he’s going to do if he wins can decide what’s best for Londoners.
“Conservatives/BNP, seems these days there’s a thin line and I’m not going to stay around while this line is no more. Everyone wants a perfect London and some how stupid people think that Boris is the man to do it. Wake up! Maybe they should put Cannabis back up to a class B drug because obviously we’ve been smoking too much of it and have all lost are bloody minds!
“With regards to his new buses, does anyone know how much theyre going to cost us taxpayers? No? I’ll tell you something funny…neither does he! A man with no clear or coherent policies. God help us all.”
jeudi 1 mai 2008
Nomination: 1118$ si Clinton, 602$ si Obama
Qui des deux candidats obtiendra la nomination du Parti Démocrate?

- Si Clinton gagne, alors je réalise un profit de 1418$ (1493.28 minus les 5% de frais de betfair) - 205€ (300$)=+1118$
- Si Obama gagne, alors je réalise un profit de 772$-170=+602$

13 mai: la Virginie de l'Ouest
20 mai: l'Oregon et le Kentucky1er juin : Puerto Rico

Londres: Boris victorieux? (+370$)
Based on a wide range of conversations we've had throughout the day with people in the field and with senior Tory and other insiders we are very confident that on the basis of patterns of turnout, postal votes and canvass returns Boris Johnson has been elected Mayor of London.