samedi 10 mai 2008

By-Election in the UK : Crewe & Nantwich

Another golden opportunity to pick up free money: 

"All the clever money is now on the constituents of the formerly safe Labour seat of Crewe and Nantwich returning a Tory in their by-election on May 22. That would cause a political earthquake so large as to make Labour’s local elections disaster appear like a mild disappointment. 
Politicians who have already been up to the constituency to campaign report that the 10p tax rebellion is the only show in town. When David Cameron visited earlier this week he found himself beseiged by questions about it." -- Daily Express
You bet!

Also: A new YouGov poll, with changes from their last poll, of CON 49%(+5), LAB 23%(-3), LDEM 17%(nc)

See also: Crewe voters set to derail Labour's fightback

UPDATE: Voici le candidat Conservateur de ce comté:

UPDATE II: Suite à la parution de ce sondage, j'ai augmenté ma mise:

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